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The Admissions Process

Step 1: Invitation to Tour

All prospective families who submit an inquiry will be invited to make an appointment to tour. Touring Bergman Academy allows families to ask in-depth questions, explore our facilities, meet our teaching staff and administrators, and get a strong sense of our community.


Tours are generally scheduled Monday-Friday between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm while school is in session and last approximately 45-60 minutes.

Step 2: Invitation to Apply

Once a prospective family has toured, the Director of Admissions and Marketing will email a link to submit an application(s) through our online student information site (Blackbaud.)


A non-refundable processing fee of $50.00 must be submitted with each application. If you have concerns about paying this application fee, please reach out to Katie Ewing at  

Step 3: Prospective Student Visit Day or Classroom Visit

Once an application has been submitted, prospective students entering grades 1st-8th will be invited to spend a day at Bergman.


Prospective students entering Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten will be invited to visit the school for a brief classroom visit. These visits will be scheduled with the Director of Admissions and Marketing.

Step 4: Academic Records Request

For prospective students entering 1st-8th grade, academic records from current and previous schools and copies of standardized test scores (if available) need to be shared with Director of Admissions and Marketing in addition to the application.

Step 5: Academic Assessments

Prospective students entering 1st-8th grade will be asked to meet with a Bergman teacher and complete writing, reading and math assessments. Students entering Kindergarten will also participate in a brief assessment with a current Bergman Kindergarten teacher.

Step 6: Offer of Enrollment

Once a prospective student has completed all of the steps, there will be a review of the collective information gathered through the application, academic records, visit day and assessments. A decision will be made regarding an offer of enrollment and will be communicated by the Director of Admissions and Marketing.

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